When is the right time to buy an electric car?
As one of the keys to emissions reduction, widespread adoption of ev’s is critical but research reveals most consumers are still reluctant to make the transition due to concerns about limited driving range and the availability of charging infrastructure.
Additionally, the higher upfront costs compared to traditional petrol-powered cars can deter potential buyers.
For those unsure about making the switch, CHRIS NOONE has a solution.
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By Chris Noone, CEO Carly Car Subscription
Is now the right time to buy an electric vehicle? This is the question I am asked frequently by friends, family and auto industry colleagues and to be honest I have absolutely no idea how to answer it, despite running a company operating at the forefront of the transition to electric vehicles. Why? Because the answer is so nuanced and specific to who is asking the question. Every person and business has different circumstances and requirements that need to be considered deeply.
Switching from an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE) to an electric vehicle (EV) involves a lot more than just buying a car with a different energy source, there is a whole new vocabulary to learn and a very different mode of operation. The EV early adopters relished these differences because they love learning new technologies, but the current market, the early majority, want a smoother transition that does not involve hours of research and going down the geek rabbit hole.

Currently, car buyers have a massive knowledge gap when considering an EV. A short 30 minute test drive at the local car dealer is nowhere near long enough to understand all the pros and cons and the longer term considerations like how to charge, where to charge, how much does charging cost, is range anxiety a thing, do I need to install a home charger etc.
The other option touted is to rent an EV when going on a holiday or a business trip. First of all, renting an EV is quite expensive, secondly, do you really want the anxiety of worrying about driving range and finding a compatible charger while rushing between meetings or trying to find the perfect surf break? Learning a new technology and driving experience takes time and is likely to end in disaster if rushed.
The other alternative is to take a leap of faith and buy an EV. That’s a brave decision and potentially the right one for many people, but if you you get it wrong and find that the car does not meet your expectations you only have two options – live with it for 3 or 4 years and then sell or sell it immediately and take a substantial financial loss.
At Carly we think there is a better way. Subscribe to an EV. Subscribing is cheaper than renting and is for a longer period of time, so you can learn all facets of the new technology at your leisure without time pressure. With Carly Car Subscription you can also choose a specific model to trial instead of being allocated what the rental company wants to give you.
Once you have been driving an EV for a month or more you are well qualified to answer the question – should I buy an electric vehicle?
Enjoy your journey!
This article was written by Chris Noone and originally published on LinkedIn